Focus on communityleadership continuityfinancial stability
Your organization serves an important role in your community, our job is to understand that role, and help you achieve your mission now and through future executive teams and boards. Our client organizations use our expertise to design, implement, and administer supplemental executive retirement & retention plans that focus on financial and tax efficiency. The result is increased focus on community, leadership continuity, financial stability, and commitment to mission.
Stearns Financial is comprised of originators in non-profit SERP who have been innovating plans and leading compliance since 1991. We have remained focused and everything we do revolves around the talent retention, incentives, and financial needs of our clients.
With 28 years specializing in supplemental executive retention and retirement plans for credit unions, healthcare institutions, higher education, and high-performance non-profits, Stearns Financial has the expertise to design, implement, and administer every type of executive benefit program.
Leverage our expertise to drive yield, supplement retirement, and optimize retention and succession.
A foot wide and a mile deep
Our Process
Vision, Goals, & Intent

Plan Design




Our plans are mission-drivenfiscally aligned
Our plans are different because we use process as the driver to achieve effective design making each plan unique to your organization. Because each plan is driven by your organization’s mission, vision, goals, and intent the plan aligns strategically and reputationally. When disclosed in a 990 or published in a report your plan should make your community, stakeholders, members, alumni, or constituents feel confident in your organization’s leadership. The resulting plan that is implemented fits into your core values as an organization and fosters financial stewardship.
We are also unique in that we can often accomplish this with no accounting cost to the organization, favorable reporting and 990 impact, and produce tax-free retirement withdrawals. This allows an organization to retain, recruit, and incent talented leaders with a benefit that has maximum impact and simultaneously has minimum investment for every dollar of benefit provided. By turning expenses into assets, a plan becomes “financially efficient” and is the best use of your organization’s resources devoted to benefits.
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