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Joseph Stearns

Joe founded Stearns Financial Group in 1971 along with his wife, Brenda, and brings...

Eric Stearns

Eric grew up in rural Northwest Ohio with his extended farming family and claims...

Alexis Ewald

Alexis was born and raised in the Flint, Michigan area, earning her bachelor’s degree...

Kaitlyn Baldwin

Kaitlyn is from a quaint village of 1,300 people in midwestern Illinois. She attended...

Bryan Phillips

Bryan is from a small village in rural Southwest Ohio where there are more...

Phil Westhoff

Phil was born in Cincinnati and grew up in Northern Kentucky. He attended Northern...

Nate Martin Nate Martin

Nate was born and raised in Mason, Ohio. He graduated Cum Laude from the...

Sable Gant

Sable is originally from the Park Hills suburb of Denver, Colorado and moved to...

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